Fake News?

One of the most popular phrases over the past few years has been ‘fake news.’ We all know what news is, and we essentially understand the term ‘fake news.’ The question that we should be asking is: Is this news ‘fake‘ or ‘biased?” If it is fake, then we should completely disregard it. However, most … Read more


Galatians 5.22 The Fruit of the Spirit is Joy! The context of Galatians 5.16-24 is focused primarily on living out the Christian life.  It is a call to the converted.  It is another weighty reminder that the one who is “in Christ” will produce fruit.  That fruit is a demonstration and witness to the reality … Read more

To Think of Death

How rarely do we consider the greatest questions in life.  If you are anything like me it is often difficult to get past the most basic questions.  Where are my keys?  What am I going to eat for lunch?  What is on the calendar for the kids today? While these questions are important, life is … Read more